【Renovation】Ticking…sound from upstairs ?
Have you ever thought that the sound came from upstairs?
Ticking… Ticking…Ticking…
So we discuss on it, since now is the lunar ghost month.......(scare......)
In the end it is still sound like child playing with
pinball at the night from upstairs unit; there have some elderly said the paranormal activity in Chinese culture.
Western said it was
water hammer or fluid hammer.
Where the ticking sound came from,
2 reasons to explain
about it,
Concrete structure made with metal rod and concrete,
inside the structure there have a gap between the cement and metal rod , water and oxygen will penetrate. The
reasons will follow between the steel and concrete, so it accelerated
oxidation expansion distraction cement blocks, ticking…ticking…, there is the
sound seems like produced by pinball. If this situation keeps on going, this
will generate efflorescence and mold growing.
Again it is, peeling tiles upstairs unit, and adhesive with
cement separation, can also cause such a sound.
In addition, the emergence of
more mold accelerate the whole process.
Not a Paranormal Activity.
加速氧化于是就会膨胀撑开水泥块,发出声响,就有弹珠声的产生, 若长期如此会产生壁癌和滋生霉菌。
再来就是,楼上单位的瓷砖剥落,和初胚水泥分离, 也会造成如此的声响。